Light in the Darkness

"To send light into the darkness of men's hearts - such is the duty of the artist."
~ Robert Schumann

Dear fellow artists, illustrators, freelancers -- I know that, at one time or another, most of us have been mistreated by clients, expected to work for nothing, instructed to meet impossible deadlines, overloaded with assignments, baffled by unclear guidelines... It happens, and it can leave us a little bitter and jaded.  But let's not forget that sometimes, we need to use our artistic skills "not for good, but for awesome".  Carving a little time out of your day to help someone out can yield mutual benefits, and that's a good thing.  So let your artsy light shine, friends!

A blog header design I cobbled together the other day for blogger rivanphoenix -- check out her blog, if you've got a sec! ["Robotron Wreaks Havoc" image used with permission from Woot, Inc.]

"Seer's Orb" -- an old sketch from the archives; I thought it applied to last week's Illustration Friday theme, "Sight".

Looking to do a quick sketch, I revisited my "Le Petit Chat Noir" concept...



Anonymous said…
I was just surfing, when I found your picture Le petit chat noir. It brought me such comfort and joy, remembering my very special little black cat. He died four years ago, age fourteen, and I still miss him. Thank you. I do like your other pictures, too.
Steph Jones said…
It is inspiring that artists can use their skills for good and make the world a better place.

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