Pickin' and Grinnin'

"A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist." 
~Louis Nizer

The Great Website Project is complete!  You may have noticed a new link under "Check it Out" on the right side of the blog that says "My Website" -- you'll find that it leads to a new and improved home for my artwork, complete with sketchings, t-shirts and finished illustrations.  Huzzah!

In other news, my little household will be relocating in the next few weeks to a relatively nearby house in our same neighborhood (yay!).  If I don't update Sketches & Draws for a bit, you'll know it's 'cuz I'm sittin' around, pickin' and grinnin' [haha, it is to laugh].

"Swamp Song", done for the Dueling Banjo Pigs blog -- just for grins.

Some faces I sketched in pencil...

An alligator WIP.  Btw, does anyone have any experience with selling clip art?  Good idea/waste of time..??

This week's Shirt.Woot entry: "Goat-Sucker"


Melinda said…
Ahhhhh! Those goats are so cute!

Great concept, too! I love your work, Anne!
artistaggie said…
Thanks so much, Melinda!!! :-D
HR Nature said…
hi, i´m from mexico,
me gusto mucho tu trabajo, en especial esta playera,tienes gran talento. visit http://hrnature.blogspot.com
