Sketchin' Skills

"One must keep right on drawing; draw with your eyes when you cannot draw with a pencil."
 ~Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres

In an effort to keep my sketchin' skills from floundering, I figure I should strive to work faster and more simply -- and keep right on drawing.  My tendency is to get bogged down in rendering and perfecting; there's something to be said for simplicity, though!

This week's Illustration Friday theme is "Messenger", so here we have a wee little owlet-in-training at Hogwarts.

Also, this is the second illustration for the children's book I've been working on.



Ann Pilicer said…
Love love your owl in training! And your illo for the childrens book is wonderful! I love how you were able to capture all those details!!! well done! :D
artistaggie said…
Thank you so much, Ann! :-) The children's book is an exciting project; glad you like this illustration :-D

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